He Won’t Miss One

I was peddling past Uncle Bob’s the other day.  He was going somewhere in his truck and he waved as he passed by.  On his porch steps was a bucket of cucumbers and I took one.  He won’t miss one.  Or maybe he will, because he counts his cucumbers as he picks them and writes the total on his calendar each day.  This is how he judges the weather and seasons.  He remembers many small things.  He remembers how many pitches he threw at an Auburn Asa’s baseball game fifty years ago and he remembers the price of gas the day Kennedy was shot.

I ruined his pitch count.

It’s the first day of August, that glorious gateway day to the most beautiful month in Maine.  Cucumbers, beans, squash, and pumpkins are running, bees buzz around flowers and flowering plants, and there is a gentle fade as these earthly delights begin their slow decline towards early autumn.  Mainers are busy trying to jam the month with beach trips, summer festivals, and mowing the lawn.  The big decisions?  Deciding which pair of L.L. Bean flip-flops to wear.

Speaking of the Kennedy clan, there’s a big Kennedy-esque wedding this Saturday on the Mason Compound.  The tent arrives today.  They’ve already installed a fountain on the pond.  As I’ve observed Garrett and Rebekah’s wedding preparations over the last six weeks, I often think of year I lived on the Compound.  I wrote many blog posts about that interesting time in my life and here’s a link to one of my favorites.

Next week here on the blog, I’m presenting a “garden tour.”

Following this, we’ll get back to more interesting topics.  Enjoy this beautiful day.

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